Follow Your “Yes” – When you follow your “Yes” there’s nothing to think about

Do you follow your “Yes?”

Following your “Yes” is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week.

On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews you listened to earlier this week.

Each one has provided incredible examples of the power of following your “Yes”. 


Candice Oneida

Not Following –

Candice was in a relationship with a man who she had broken up with and then got back together with. Then she proposed to go into business with him, even though she knew this was not a good idea because of how he was with her.

The relationship tanked. He took her business from her and all of her assets and she was left completely bankrupt and alone at the end of it.

Following –

Sixteen years ago Candice’s spiritual teacher spoke with her about moving to America and starting a spiritual school.

This was a dramatic change in her life and it was crystal clear this was the thing to do. Looking back, she wouldn’t have changed it for the world.

Listen to Candice’s full interview here

Connect with Candice –

Candice’s website


Tracy Crossley

Not Following –

For decades Tracy never spoke her “Yes” because she didn’t know what it was. 

She ran around saying “No” all the time but wanting s0me one to show up with supernatural powers and be everything she needed them to be.

Listen to Tracy’s full interview here

Connect with Tracy –

Tracy’s website





About the author, Ken

I am the producer and host of Speaking of Partnership, a podcast that was inspired by a life of wearing the badge of self-sufficiency and independence proudly, until I realized it wasn't really a was armor.

My passion is helping you experience the power and payoffs of partnership by understanding and appreciating the opposite sex so you can feel safe, confident and understood in your personal, professional and family partnerships.

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