April 29th & 30th in Boulder, Colorado
Webinar Special Full Registration – Save $300
This agreement between Finding You In the Goo, LLC and above named registrant is for enrollment in the From Invisible to Irresistible 2-day live training April 29 & 30, 2017.
All information provided in the training will be kept strictly confidential.
Throughout the training the enrollee can count on the mentor to be honest and straightforward in asking questions and making requests. The enrollee understands that the power of the training can only be granted by the enrollee, and agrees to fully engage during the training and complete all assignments in the time recommended.
* Because our work is personal transformation, you may wake up tomorrow and have a complete freak-out, decide you can’t do it after all, and want to withdraw. It’s tragic because all the potential we’ve created together never gets realized. That’s why – to hold you accountable to your highest self – all sales are final.
Completion of your registration through this form indicates full understanding of the agreement outlined above.