Welcome to the Unlocking Life-Long Love Blueprint Program
Congratulations on joining this life changing class.
I am thrilled to have you with us!
The first thing you need to do is CLICK HERE to schedule your private Blind Spot Removal Session. Simply click the “Book Now” button to the right of the description, confirm your time zone and then select a time that works for you.
This session must be completed prior to our first class on July 5th so schedule yours now for the best selection of times and dates!
BONUS 1: To access your Bonus online video course – All About Men for Women simply click on the title. You will see a welcome video and below the video a button that says “Access Lessons Here.” Click on the button and enter AAMFW as the password and you have immediate access to all 10 video lessons and the corresponding exercises.
BONUS 2: World’s Greatest Relationship Tool Training – I don’t want to overwhelm you so this training will be sent to you midway through the program via email.
BONUS 3: 30-Minute Personal Progress Session – Upon completion of the program, we review the advancements you have made and confirm you have the tools you need to reach your relationship goals.
You will schedule this session near the end of the program so you receive your private session within one week following the final class session.
We have a great group of folks who are ready dive in and get busy so hang on tight.
You will be receiving additional emails about the program as our first class gets nearer.
In the mean time, the best thing you can do is schedule your Blind Spot Removal Session and go through the All About Men for Women bonus program.
Do these two things and you will be set up to get the most out of the program right from the start.
Talk soon – Ken