Dr. Margaret Paul – The power of listening to your inner child

Dr. Margaret Paul is a bestselling author, popular Huffington Post writer and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® self-healing process, and the related SelfQuest® self-healing software program – recommended by actress Lindsay Wagner and singer Alanis Morissette.
She has appeared on numerous radio and television shows (including Oprah).
Her book titles include “Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved By You”, “Healing Your Aloneness” and “Inner Bonding.”
Margaret holds a Ph.D. in psychology, is a relationship expert, public speaker, consultant and artist.
She has successfully worked with thousands and taught classes and seminars for over 47 years.
Guiding Principle, Quote or Mantra
Gratitude is the mantra that keeps you present. Simply saying “Thank you God for…”
Tripped Up in a Partnership
She grew up being a caretaker of everyone around her and the problem with that was it made her ill from losing herself. Then she heard her inner child say “When is it my turn?” and that led her to make a deep decision to change her life. The consequences were not pretty…at first.
The “DUH” moment that changed your partnerships forever
It is about the difference between control and love. The difference between trying to get love and truly being able to share love. Her DUH was that there is no real healing with a spiritual connection.
Proudest moment in partnership
The partnership Margaret has with her best friend and the co-creator of Inner Bonding, Dr.Erika Chopich and the self-healing she has witnessed as a result of their partnership.
Current Partnership that Has You Excited
Her partnership with her assistant of 18 years. Also with a couple who are facilitators of the Inner Bonding work.
What is the best partnership / relationship advice you have ever received?
To truly listen with your heart.
[spp-tweet tweet=”Learn to take responsibility for your own feelings.”]
Best Partnership Book
Free 7-day Inner Bonding Program
A 30-day at home course called Love Yourself
Another 30-day at home course called Loving Relationships
The Payoff of Partnership
Creativity is enhanced in partnership. Most creative ideas are enhanced when can explore them in partnership.
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