Sandra Beck – Do you want to be right or in partnership?

Sandra Beck is the president of Motherhood Incorporated.
As an Author, Coach, Speaker, Radio Host, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist, Sandra is as successful as she is busy.
The single mother of two young boys has created a virtual empire of successful companies entirely staffed, managed and implemented using a host of virtual assistants and on-line resources.
Her goal is to give all women the opportunity to reach their fullest potential with respect to their many different roles.
Guiding Principle, Quote or Mantra
“What can I do today to get to where I want to be?” – Ninjago Lego character
Tripped Up in a Partnership
Her “Train Wreck Beck” moment. Completely imploded and went into fight mode which led her to see only conflict everywhere, not solutions.
The “DUH” moment that changed your partnerships forever
There is a difference between friendships and business relationships. If you don’t clearly define you can become a person you don’t want to be. She had to decide if she needed to be right or maintain her friendship and business partnership.
Proudest moment in partnership
The “power of 3” partnership she has with her two kids.
Current Partnership that Has You Excited
Her partnership with a radio station in Texas and the respect they have for each other’s disciplines and talents.
Also her partnership with her with her three go-to virtual assistants who she has been working with for 7, 10 and 12 years respectively. Which is unheard of.
What is the best partnership / relationship advice you have ever received?
Do I want to be right or do I want to be in a relationship?
To be in a relationship means you are being yourself with someone else. You don’t have to think about who you should be.
[spp-tweet tweet=”Your anxiety cannot become my anxiety.”]
Best Partnership Book
Payoff of Partnership
The life she has today is the result of creating partnerships. She would not have been able to do it all without partnerships in faith, partnerships in business, partnerships in her personal life and partnerships in her family. It is all necessary to create the life you want.
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