Follow Your “Yes” Friday – Stay on point with your Yes

Follow Your “Yes” Friday is about you.
It is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week.
On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews you listened to earlier this week.
Each one has provided incredible examples of the power of following your “Yes”. Enjoy!
Duana Welch
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Before she was married, Duana was dating a guy who was great and she was falling in love with. They went away on a romantic weekend trip and he proposed. She said Yes and her gut immediately said No!
And she felt like she couldn’t take it back.
Her mind convinced her that because of past experiences she was just scared.
But then she started having panic attacks and she had never had them before…
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… Next, she had a dream where she was told not to marry this man, and she finally paid attention to her Yes.
She broke off the engagement, her panic attacks went away and she felt liberated.
Listen to Duana’s full interview here
Connect with Duana –
Dr. Diana Kirschner
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Dr. Diana felt an intuitive hit to write a book. She had given a writing sample of her book, Love In 90 Days, to a literary agent who came back to her and said “you don’t have a writing bone in your body.” Really it was an example of a negative partnership.
She stopped working on the book as a result of this feedback.
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Dr. Diana followed her Yes and was on the Joan Hamburg radio show in New York City. Another literary agent heard her on the show and offered to help her publish her book, Love In 90 Days.
This agent gave her a great deal of mentoring and it resulted in her book being a best seller. This was the right partnership and required Diana stay on point with her Yes to get the results she did.
Listen to Dr. Diana’s full interview here
Connect with Dr. Diana – – fill out the form and be sure to put “Ken sent me” at the bottom of the form so Dr. Diana can make sure you get your FREE session.
Dr. Elsbeth Meuth & Freddy Zental Weaver
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When Freddy Zental whispered to Elsbeth not to go on in the direction she was teaching a student. There was a voice in her head saying not to proceed and she did not listen to it or to Freddy Zental.
Looking back it was rather obvious to her. She came away with a reminder to listen to that inner voice no matter how small or quiet it is.
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Freddy Zental had the story he operated from since he was young that he couldn’t sing.
Then he had the idea to present some of their teachings in a show. An edutainment event if you will.
He got a voice coach and now he loves singing and gets paid to sing. (he actually sings for us)
Listen to Elsbeth & Freddy Zental’s full interview here
Connect with Elsbeth & Freddy Zental –
Elsbeth and Freddy Zental’s Facebook Page
Henare O’Brien
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Henare was playing basketball professionally and he had everything he ever dreamed of.
But inside of him was a No and outside of him was a Yes. The No inside of him grew so much that he knew he was not on course and he needed to go to his deeper Yes.
When he stopped going for the external accolades of what he thought he needed, he found his internal Yes and what he was here to create while he is here on Earth.
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When the Yes came, it was a “No” cognitively because he was aware of the things he would have to go through to reach his inner Yes. And it did not look like fun.
We need to find the hurt and frightened parts of us that are pretending, that are avoiding and bring them back home to us. So that we become a whole person and not a half person.
Listen to Henare’s full interview here
Connect with Henare –