Follow Your “Yes” Friday – Defending your Yes

Follow Your “Yes” Friday is for you.

It is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week.

On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews you listened to earlier this week.

Each one has provided incredible examples of the power of following your “Yes”. Enjoy!

Roy Biancalana

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Roy tells a great story of when he broke up with a woman and got back together with her for the wrong reason and the very powerful example of what happens when you don’t follow your “Yes”.

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He followed his “Yes” with his wife and it was scary. But he knew it was his “Yes” even though he was terrified of how his wife would respond. 

Ultimately, it brought them closer.

Listen to Roy’s full interview here

Connect with Roy –

A Drink with Legs: From Being Hooked to Being Happy–A Spiritual Path to Relationship Bliss

Email Roy at and he will send you an electronic version of his book “A Drink With Legs” for FREE

Roy’s Facebook Page

Marni Battista

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Marni has a series of emails where she was saying it wasn’t a good idea, but the person she was emailing told her it was just a limiting belief and she caved. She did not defend her “Yes” and it ended up being an “epic disaster.”

But when it came to following her “Yes” regarding her team she trusted her “Yes” and fought for it because it was on the behalf of someone else. Big lesson.

Following –

Marni was hiring some folks and this woman was so nice and trying so hard, but they were not a match and she knew it in her gut. So she let this person go and she has never regretted it.

Listen to Marni’s full interview here

Connect with Marni –

 – FREE e-book

Becoming Irresistible: How to Effortlessly Have Men Pursue You, Treat You Like a Goddess, and Commit to You for Life

Marni’s Facebook Page

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About the author, Ken

I am the producer and host of Speaking of Partnership, a podcast that was inspired by a life of wearing the badge of self-sufficiency and independence proudly, until I realized it wasn't really a was armor.

My passion is helping you experience the power and payoffs of partnership by understanding and appreciating the opposite sex so you can feel safe, confident and understood in your personal, professional and family partnerships.

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