Jeffrey Platts – Completely Unplug on a Regular Basis

Jeffrey Platts is a coach for men, who has a unique gift of helping men quickly clear out the “noise” so they can choose and create an amazing life that they didn’t know was on the menu.
He integrates his adventures as DJ, amateur stand-up comedian, salsa dancer and yoga teacher and world traveler into his work.
Jeffrey believes that every man has a the right to choose the life he lives. There is no secret code to hack. But there are three necessary ingredients: awareness, choice and action.
Guiding Principle, Quote or Mantra
Be the source of what you want.
Tripped Up in a Partnership
Jeffrey was dating a great woman he was really into, but he tried to play it cool and not show his emotions. In turn, she withheld her feelings as well and ultimately she moved away and the relationship ended. Now he realizes that if he had just slowed down and been true to his feelings he could have avoided this disappointment.
The “DUH” moment that changed your partnerships forever
Jeffrey was really into the woman he was seeing, but she was not reciprocating. The signs were there. Why was he always having to chase the women he was interested in? The DUH was if he is true to his own sense of self he will get his needs met and not need to chase.
Proudest moment in partnership
When Jeffrey and his partner, Vanessa, did whatever it took to spend the weekend together in Montreal. It wasn’t easy of convenient, but it was so worth it. It was a Victory Moment in their relationship.
Current Partnership that Has You Excited
His partnership with Vanessa and the life they are building together both personally and professionally. It is a 1 + 1 = 10 scenario.
What is the best partnership / relationship advice you have ever received?
Slowing down and focusing on presence. [spp-tweet tweet=”Completely unplug on a regular basis.”]
Best Partnership Book
Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help YouFind – and Keep – Love
Making Marriage Simple: Ten Relationship-Saving Truths
Parting Advice
Take yourself out on a date. Indulge your guilty pleasures.
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