Bonus material from Jonathon Aslay, Chantal Lamontagne, Jeffrey Platts, Lara & Johnny Fernandez and Ken Page on Follow Your Yes Friday

Follow Your “Yes” Friday is about you.
It is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week.
On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews you listened to earlier this week.
Each one has provided incredible examples of the power of following your “Yes”. Enjoy!
Jonathon Aslay
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In 2008 Jonathon did not follow his gut, his “Yes”, when it told him the stockbroker he was using, who was also a friend, was not the right person to be in charge of his money. Ultimately, not listening to his “Yes” ended up being a major contributor to losing nearly $1 million in the market.
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He is following his “Yes” in the dating world right now without any expectation, agenda or pressure and it has been leading him to different pieces of the puzzle that he needs for everything to come together.
Jonathon’s recommendation for anyone dating is to practice your “Yes” without an agenda or expectation of outcome. The more you do this, the faster what you are seeking will come into your life.
Listen to Jonathon’s full interview here
Chantal Lamontagne
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I have been practicing Hoʻoponopono so long that I cannot remember the last time I did not follow my “Yes.” Actually I do remember that I received clear guidance to write my book and I did not follow this “Yes” for 10 years.
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[spp-tweet tweet=”When I follow my “Yes” it is always a win/win.”]
Once you realize you are a stewart of a gift you are here to birth it will bug you until you give birth to it and give it a structure. The hard part is the structure. Once you do this, you will find peace.
Listen to Chantal’s full interview here
Jeffrey Platts
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Jeffrey was dating a woman and his radar was going off that this was not the relationship for him, but he did nothing about it until she called him out. If he had just followed his “Yes” when it came up and trusted that whatever happened when he addressed it would serve them both, they would have been better off.
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With his current partner, Vanessa, he had already sworn off long distance relationships and she lived in Canada. But he trusted his “Yes” and explored it and now they have an amazing relationship together.
Listen to Jeffrey’s full interview here
Lara & Johnny Fernandez
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During Johnny’s first marriage he felt something on his wedding day that something wasn’t right and he didn’t listen to it.
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Johnny had an intuitive hit that he needed to move to California. Which sounded crazy since he was born and raised in New York City and had his dream job. He followed his “Yes” and it has led to Lara and all the amazingness that is his life now.
Listen to Johnny and Lara’s full interview here
Johnny and Lara’s Facebook Page
Ken Page
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When Ken withholds from his partner something about himself or his feelings. He swallows it, which is not a good thing. Not sharing these “Yeses” about himself creates the beginning of a wall between them.
“The act of suppressing our “Yes” is more than an act of suppression. It is an act of quiet violence.”
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When follow your “Yes” it leads to love. And love leads to love.