Polina Solda – How being strong and independent got in the way of attracting a strong man

Polina Solda is the founder of Find Love and Keep It.
Her first successful coaching client was herself. After earning her “Master’s Degree in dating” by going on over 100 dates, she challenged a NYC “player” to the game of “winning her love.” He proposed after six months of dating and became a devoted family man.
Polina is a wife, mother, passionate entrepreneur and seasoned certified coach, who lives what she teaches.
She specialized in helping smart professional women in big cities find love and keep it.
Guiding Principle, Quote or Mantra
[spp-tweet tweet=”Done is better than perfect.”]
Tripped Up in a Partnership
She had a blind spot of being so on guard that the people she would meet never got to know the real Polina.
The “DUH” moment that changed your partnerships forever
Her mother was her role model and she was very a very strong and independent woman. Here DUH moment was that if she did not shift this, she would not attract a strong man who would be her partner and have her back and be her rock.
Proudest moment in partnership
When her husband recently told her he feels that after 7 years of marriage the strong bond and intimacy they have created as a family and as partners has never been better.
Current Partnership that Has You Excited
Focusing on developing both her personal and business life so her family life can be even stronger.
What is the best partnership / relationship advice you have ever received?
“Your relationship is either growing or dying. There is nothing in between.” Tony Robbins
Best Partnership Book
The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship: A Toltec Wisdom Book
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)
Payoff of Partnership
She has done many amazing things on her own, like climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, but it doesn’t compare to being able to share life experiences with her family.
Interview Links –
Polina’s website – www.findloveandkeepit.com