Follow Your “Yes” Friday – powerful bonus stories from this week’s guests

Follow Your “Yes” Friday is about you.
It is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week.
On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews you listened to earlier this week.
Each one has provided incredible examples of the power of following your “Yes”. Enjoy!
Dr. Margaret Paul
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She rarely followed her “Yes” during her 30 year marriage. And this was a big part of what resulted in the end of her marriage.
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She got guidance to move everything out of her house a week before she closed on the sale and so she did. The day after she got it out her house caught on fire and she would have lost everything if she had not listened to her “Yes.”
Listen to Margaret’s full interview here
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Bryan Reeves
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Bryan was playing small and instead of living in “Yes” he was living in “No” because he was afraid of running out of money. When he hit bottom and ran out of money, he realized he had nothing left to hold on to and shifted to living in “Yes.”
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Then his “Yes” told him to hire an assistant. It was going to cost him 1/3 of his entire net worth to hire her for 30 days but he did it anyway. The payoff was HUGE.
Listen to Bryan’s full interview here
Bryan’s website –
Polina Solda
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Her “Yes” was when her gut was telling her to end a relationship that wasn’t working, but she didn’t and it kept her from meeting someone who was in better alignment with her.
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She came to New York City and knew she was going to live there and 3 years later she was accepted to attend Columbia University which led to a job at the United Nations and eventually her current business that she has been running for 6 years now.
Listen to Polina’s full interview here
Polina’s website –
Sandra Beck
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The day she got married she knew it was wrong in her gut. But her head was rationalizing why it was a good idea.
Then she had the same gut feeling telling her not to go into business with a friend who was a mess, but she did it anyhow and now knows she should have run for the hills both times.
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When she formed her current company, Motherhood Incorporated, everyone was laughing at her and saying it was a stupid idea. But she had a very strong “Yes” to move forward and followed it. Today all of her “Motherhood” brands are successful and no one is laughing at her “Yes” anymore.
Listen to Sandra’s full interview here
Sandra’s website –