Roy Biancalana – Your relationship results are up to you

Roy Biancalana is a certified relationship coach, a TV personality in Orlando, Florida. He is the author of two books, including the #1 best-seller, Attracting Lasting Love: Breaking Free of the 7 Barriers that Keep You Single. For the past 10 years, Roy’s mission has been supporting single people in the art of attracting and…

Follow Your “Yes” Friday – Stay on point with your Yes

Follow Your “Yes” Friday is about you. It is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week. On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews…

Henare O’Brien – Eliminating loneliness and sadness

Henare O’Brien’s commitment in this world is to guide people to knowing themselves deeply through both spiritual and personal development. He is committed to this in himself and was led along this path after many years of being disconnected from his truth. Henare studies and applies every technology available including NLP, Ontology, Landmark Education, Spiritual…

Dr. Elsbeth Meuth & Freddy Zental Weaver – Focus on the Belly Breath

Dr. Elsbeth Meuth and Freddy Zental Weaver have assisted more than ten thousand couples and singles in expanding their love and relationship and rekindling their creative spark over the past two decades. They are bestselling authors of ‘Sexual Enlightenment: How to Create Lasting Fulfillment in Life, Love and Intimacy.’ Founders of the TantraNova® Institute in…

Dr. Diana Kirschner – Love is available to everyone

Psychologist Dr. Diana Kirschner starred in the PBS TV Special – Finding Your Own True Love based on her book Love in 90 Days. She has helped tens of thousands all over the world to create greater self-esteem and more loving relationships through her global Love Mentoring® Program.  Dr. Diana’s latest book is “The Diamond…