Daniel Eisenman – Start With a Foundation of Confession

Daniel graduated Pre-Med from Emory University with a BS (Key Acronym) in Biology & even took the MCAT about 10 years ago. Before applying to medical school to stay on the path of “NORMAL” as people advised me, I decided to “take a year off.” That year off has now turned into a decade of…

Mark Groves – It is Ultimately About Choice

Mark Groves has a specialized interest in the area of Human Connection. He’s an author, speaker and sales consultant. He’s in love with science, psychology, and uncovering the mysteries of what makes great relationships work. Speaking of that, he’s certain there are no “secrets” when it comes to great relationships. Rather, he believes that all…

Geoff Laughton – Apologizing to your partner can save your life

Geoff Laughton, known as Your Relationship Architect, is an internationally best-selling author, speaker, men’s retreat leader, and sought after relationship coach. For more than 20 years, he’s been teaching couples and individuals how to build the relationship and life they truly desire. In a world where far too many people settle for what they believe…