Mali Apple & Joe Dunn – Acceptance is the Answer

Mali Apple and Joe Dunn are authors, relationship coaches, lovers, and best friends. Their bestselling books “The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships” and “The Soulmate Lover: A Guide to Passionate and Lasting Love, Sex, and Intimacy” have helped thousands of people around the world create and sustain relationships that are deeply…

Follow Your “Yes” Friday – Do not resist your “Yes”

Do you follow your “Yes?” Following your “Yes” is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week. On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews…

Jeffrey Allen – The Biggest Resource is You

Jeffrey Allen is a spiritual teacher, energy healer, and author of Duality on Mindvalley Academy. An engineer by trade and energy healer at heart, Jeffrey has helped thousands of professionals combine their intellect and intuition to boost confidence, improve relationships, find meaning and purpose, and manifest the life of their dreams. Based in Tokyo, Japan,…

Orna & Matthew Walters – Find the Gold Nugget

Orna and Matthew Walters are Soulmate Coaches for professional single women, and the founders of the Love On Purpose Revolution® a global online event dedicated to busting the myth that love is supposed to happen by accident. Orna and Matthew work with clients all over the globe utilizing the tools of transformation. They are dedicated…